Septic Systems can be extremely complicated and can get expensive to repair if you don't understand how they work. This is why we have created "Septic Systems 101" to educate you so you don't spend $1000's of unnecessary dollars on repairs that may not work. Island LawnCare is a Licensed Septic Installer and has over 15 years septic experience in Queen Annes' County. If our "Septics 101 Lesson" does not answer all of your questions you can Send us your Question by Clicking Here
Lesson 1: Sh*T Flows Downhill
Pardon our French but there is really no other way to put it. Your Toilets, Sinks and Tubs are all higher than your Septic Tank (unless you have a plumbed basement with a sewage pump). Your entire house flows downhill to your Septic Tank. Your Septic Tank is the beginning of your Septic System. Your Septic Tank is basically a filter that separates the solids from the liquids. The solids settle to the bottom of the tank and the liquids flow out of the tank to the distribution box that distributes the filtered liquids into your leach bed/fields. Your leach beds are stone trenches usually 5'-10' deep and 2'-3' wide allowing the filtered liquid to evenly be dispersed throughout the beds to filter into the ground. This is how a Septic System works.
Lesson 2: Pump out your Septic Tank Every 1 - 2 Years
Every year or 2 (depending on usage of your system) you need to pump the solids from your Septic Tank to ensure no solids build up and overflow into your distribution box and leach beds. Solids overflowing into your distribution box and/or leach fields can be deadly to a septic system. It is very common to neglect a Septic System until it stops working. When pumping is neglected the solids begin to overflow out of the tank into the distribution box and out into the leach fields. Once the solids are in the leach fields they begin to clog up the holes in the pipes throughout the leach fields and even begins to clog up the stone trenches causing the system to work slowly or even completely stop working. Once a Septic System stops working it could cost thousands of dollars to repair or replace.
Lesson 3: When your System Fails... Call us FIRST!
Failing Septic Systems are a common problem on Kent Island. Often Home Owners are afraid to contact a Septic Contractor or The Health Department because of the expensive costs involved in repairing or replacing a Septic System. One of the most common replacement Septic Systems in Queen Anne's County is what is known as a "Mound System". If your reading this you probably know Mound Systems can get expensive around $10,000 or more and they are very unattractive in residential yards. We like to think of Mound Systems as "Last Resort". Although we do install & replace New Septic Systems, we would much rather repair the one you have. We have methods of repairing and reviving dead or failing Septic Systems and Leach Fields that cost a fraction of a replacement without the dreaded "Mound" that ruins your precious yard. Click Here to Schedule a Free No Obligation Septic Evaluation